Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

The Challenges of Single Parenting

Having worked with parents for the last 35 years and written books on parenting and relationships, I’ve discovered that one of the greatest challenges for us as parents is to be loving role-models for our children, showing our children through our behavior how to take personal responsibility for their own feelings and needs. Our children need to learn from our role-modeling how to nurture themselves within and how to create a sense of safety in the world. In families where both a mother and father are present, both parents can participate in nurturing the child emotionally and taking care of the child in the world, and both parents can role-model what it looks like to do this for themselves.

Back When I Was A Kid...

We must eliminate from our minds a few phrases when we are making decisions about how we will be raising our kids. They are the sayings like: "When I was a kid..." and "If I had done that when I was a kid, my dad would have..." or "Back when we were in school they used to..."

Now, this may sound odd to you coming on the heels of our last article where we took the stand that as a nation, we need to "recapture the sound of our kids among us just like we used to up at old Fairview Hall." There is an important distinction here. As parents we must never allow ourselves to fall into the trap of using "because it was done before," or "it has always been that way," or "that was the way my parents did it," as the sole justification for our actions with our kids. It is imperative that we have a sound behavioral, moral, spiritual, ethical, or legal justifications for the actions we are teaching to or demanding of our children. We must be able to explain to our kids in a very logical way, why we are asking them to behave in a particular manner.

Child Nutrition: Help Your Child Be Healthy

The food your child eats is important not only now but also for the rest of his or her life. A small child is going to need various types of foods for energy to play, grow, and to build a healthy body. Muscles and bones are forming over the first fifteen years of life, and when eating the right types of foods and including smart nutrition your child is more likely to avoid sickness and to ward off some types of disease.

10 Commandments for Parents

It is never wise commandments for parents, it is recommended :

1. Will be compatible. Take it as you say. Children have always been consistent in its position that the way forward and what they say.

2. Children (without pay), waiting for help. They are waiting for home care for children, but time is running out with grace. Here, from time to time to ask you a question: how to save their children?

3. You are a regular and consistent. Instead of encouragement and praise to harsh criticism and critical Suppress and Punish, a lawyer for your child better, make sure to get higher. Encourage children, but they do not contribute to link the results are more in the process of self-esteem.

10 Parenting Tips For All New Parents

If you wish more parents would probably want a healthy, intelligent children to raise. You can have a few ideas on how to achieve it. Here are a few tips to help parents to ensure parents that their children develop in full force and effect.

One of the parents, tips that work best for your child quantity and quality of life: If you spend more time with their children, trying to bring them in meaningful conversations: Try to build a fun and healthy communication and relationships, while children are young ?